Feelings are complicated to be honest. It’s very difficult to recognize and accept what one is feeling. There are moments when someone is happy, sad, angry, miserable, overwhelmed, crazy, delighted, peaceful, etc. They hit in like a bullet but some stay for longer while some disappear quickly. It’s not just one feeling that exists, but many are also there that we don’t even know of.

Most of people would be familiar with a feeling called love. Some people get hit by love and some feel it like a breeze. Some people experience love at first sight while some don’t even know when they got gifted with this blessing.

Love is a blessing in everyone’s life. It should be the most beautiful thing to experience. If someone says it’s a curse or a non-happy feeling, then it means either that person didn’t cherish it or the gift is not received yet.

Some people ask a question, “when did you fall in love with me?” My answer for that would be, “It's not just a moment. From spring to summer, summer to fall, fall to winter and winter to spring, do we realize the exact moment, the exact minute when the season changes? It’s just like that."
