Having a strong mentality is like having a hidden power, but sometimes when we have a strong mind which can reject people’s opinions, we start expecting others to also have that kind of sense of thinking, just because it can make our ways easier to move forward. This unnoticeable expectation can be the cause of our own demise. Not everyone can have the understanding that we have. And not everyone tries to understand the things the way we do. So sometimes, we can hurt people if we just try to make them understand what we are thinking and how we are taking it. In this situation, what we can do so as to not hurt anyone else is just to blend ourselves and not imposing our opinions on others. Not everything that we think can be just blurted out. In case of growing anger, try not to speak. If we want to explain something to someone, try warm words or try to speak politely.

Don’t try to change anyone because we can’t. When someone gets influenced by our words, they often notice some changes in themselves in reference to behavior or habits. When that happens, people often get scared as not many people like changes that they don’t have a knowledge of. Out of that fear, they either attack in the form of words or weapons or they hide themselves like breaking contact with other people and switching off phones.

We cannot control how the other person thinks but what we can do is to control our actions. Just thinking for a minute for what we are about to do and just counting consequences can make a great deal of difference in the outcome.

Instead of trying to explain something to a person who we know won’t understand our concepts, just explain ourselves that we should not even try it anymore because it will just unnecessarily hurt the other.
